Sharing Information ....

I absolutely love sharing useful / valuable / inspirational information !!!!  -  Many people visit and read this blog and I'm quite sure that some of those people know / are aware of websites that just may be of use / interest to EVERY visitor / reader ....

As of composing this post, the only information you will currently find in the 'Useful Links / Other Information' section of my blog is my email address  -  I wish to expand and develop the 'Useful Links / Other Information' section so that it becomes a diverse but rich and valuable resource for not only the sufferers of CFS / M.E but also the families and carers of those very sufferers !!!!

Please do feel free to contact me via with any sites / links that you have found to be of use / interest  -  I will evaluate those sites / links and if I feel that they're appropriate I will happily include them upon this blog ....

Again, I absolutely love sharing useful / valuable / inspirational information so please do share with me and in return I will happily share with everyone else thus we all hopefully understand this dam right annoying, very awkward, inconvenient, debilitating illness / disease / condition a little better !!!!

A little understanding, a little education can indeed go a very long way !!!!

